Getting Ready for Miss New England 2012

4:31:00 PM

I am so excited! My first foray into selling at an event will be taking place this Sunday. Just a mere few days away! I will be selling my dainty jewels at the Miss New England Pageant in Windsor Connecticut. The Pageant will be held at the Sheraton Hotel inside of the Bradley Airport. Here is the website featuring some images form last year. Just click HERE
I am so excited! Did I say that already? Teehee.
So in getting ready for the show, I have started figuring out what I will and won't bring. My main focus is on rhinestone, crowns, princess stuff, things that seems like they would fit with a beauty pageant.
I started doing my table display. Here are some pictures of my "rough draft" table.

For the most part the final product for my display will look like this, except I'll have a small banner attached to the table and some business cards. So imagine those in there.

I'M soooooooo nervous and excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please give me some advice and ideas in the comments!

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